Show us your beautiful books
Stock with us
Send an email to store@peregrinecoast.press and include the following:
- The name of your item
- A quick pitch
- Its retail price
- A digital copy we can have a look through
- Photos of your item (if available)
- Product description and tagline
We're still pretty small so we'll usually take 5-10 copies of an item to see how well it sells. We buy stock at 40% of its retail price.

We're growing our distribution network
If you're a brick-and-mortar shop in the UK and want to buy some of our stock, shoot us an email to store@peregrinecoast.press and we'll send you a 40% discount code.
You can buy anything from our website - if you have any questions or would like us to demo some games, we're happy to chat too!

Let us ship your books for you
Crowdfunding Fulfilment
You didn't make your game just for it to be ripped to shreds at the border by the gendarmerie.
Send me your games so that I may hold them in combat on your behalf.
We're fully EU compliant and can handle VAT for you, so your backers get their parcels faster, cheaper, and without any unexpected fees.

Let me go crazy style in your InDesign
Graphic Design
Need someone who can tell you what a baseline is, someone who touches paper a bit too much, or someone who can point out Futura in 0.5 seconds? Eryk is available for graphic design work and consultation.

I have been SoulMuppet's operations manager for over a year. I have handled several £100,000 Kickstarters. I organised and ran Muppetmeet, an industry conference the day after Dragonmeet.
One time I did pre-press on 4 offset print runs simultaneously. One time I packed 800 parcels incorrectly and had to spend the weekend repacking them.
I will share my multitudinous web of contacts with you and make you money. Learn from my mistakes.